T6 Art Competition
Today's school assembly was led by Mrs Smith from the art department, where she introduced the last art competition for the year...
To download a copy of this Term's Curriculum please click here
Today's school assembly was led by Mrs Smith from the art department, where she introduced the last art competition for the year...
Here are the spellings for this week attached below!
On Friday, Year 3 explored the story of King Midas, discussing the decisions he faced and made throughout the story of the ‘Golden Touch’. We discussed where we felt Midas had acted irresponsibly and thought about what he could have done instead with such an incredible wish! Using our knowledge and our thoughts on what his actions should have been, we re-enacted the story changing his ‘wish’ to help those in need, to clean the Earth’s environment and to act responsibly, before performing to each other! Well done!
Reading time is tricky!
Acting responsibly, looking after our health and learning about Islam. Ask us all about our learning.
We would love to welcome parents and carers into school for our 'Come Read With Me' session. This will be an opportunity to share books with your children, listen to your child read and to talk about their favourite books! This term's session for KS2 will take place on Friday 7th July at 2.30pm. We can't wait to see you!
Welcome back to Term 6. Click below for further information about the Arts timetable
What a wonderful event!
We have a new Topic next term! Please find the Love to Learn task attached below due Friday 9th June! We cannot wait to see what Year 3 get up to!
Here are the spellings for Half Term attached below! The spelling test will be on the first Friday back.
We're going swimming!
We have bunnies and we are very excited about them!