Homework task & Spellings
As usual, please find copies of the spelling words and the reading task set on Friday...
To download a copy of this Term's Curriculum please click here
As usual, please find copies of the spelling words and the reading task set on Friday...
A quick reminder that parents' consultations are taking place on the Tuesday and Wednesday of this coming week...
Year 6 journey into the amazing tunnels carved out beneath the town's roads as part of our topic 'World at War'...
This week saw the celebration of International Women's Day on Wednesday and, as such, we have set a different Homework challenge to reflect this...
On Wednesday, Year 6 got a coach over to the Hall at Dreamland for a carousel of workshops aimed at providing the children with all the knowledge and skills to stay safe...
A quick reminder that, as part of our topic learning, Year 6 are heading to the Ramsgate Wartime Tunnels on Monday...
During our Oracy Week, there has been a focus on preparing and delivering a speech to the class...
Please find the latest spelling words and a copy of the homework...
After the Bikeability team came into school on Friday, there have been some changes made...
Over the past two weeks, Year 6 have been fortunate to partner up with the Turner to explore the 'Banned' exhibition, first in a workshop at school before heading into the gallery to create artwork inspired by the exhibit...
As part of Oracy Week, we had a visit from the staff of Ramsgate Radio...
This past week in school has been Oracy Week, with a real focus on speaking and listening...