Many of the year 6 pupils are partaking in the Bikeability training, which begins this Friday and continues into next week. All the participating children have been split into three groups with only one group active per day...
To download a copy of this Term's Curriculum please click here
Many of the year 6 pupils are partaking in the Bikeability training, which begins this Friday and continues into next week. All the participating children have been split into three groups with only one group active per day...
Please find copies of the spelling words and the reading comprehension that were sent home on Friday...
In assembly this week, Mrs Smith introduced the latest termly art competition...
I hope that everyone has had a lovely half-term break and had the opportunity to recharge batteries. We start back tomorrow, so here are a few key pieces of information...
Just a quick heads-up to pre-warn the children that we will be having a 'mock SATS week' when we come back after the break...
As we completed our learning this term on 'Floodland' and 'Our Precious World', we have asked the children to complete a Love2Learn task linked to this learning from a menu of choices...
On Wednesday, Year 6 undertook a field study at Blean woods. Armed with clipboards, compasses and some checklists, we set off...
In assembly this week, Mrs Elliott introduced this year's Sleeping Challenge. A reminder of the key information can be found attached...
Please see below for more information...
On Tuesday we celebrated Safer Internet Day at RAPS. Safer Internet Day is a global campaign to promote the safe and responsible use of technology to help to create a better Internet for everyone.
We would be delighted if you could join us in celebrating the day by continuing the conversation at home! To help you with this, there are some free activities and information for parents and carers which are available at: there are top tips, quizzes and films which you can use at home with your child.
Within our spelling sessions in class, the children have been learning the spelling rule 'i before e, except after c', in relation to the 'ee' sound. Ten of these words make up this week's spelling list...
An MCAS message went out over a week ago; however we just wanted to remind you that on Wednesday of this coming week (Wednesday 8th Feb), Year 6 are heading for a field study in Blean Woods...