Termly Art Competition
We are delighted to share with you the latest RAPS art competition - introduced to the children by the Art team during an assembly this week...
To download a copy of this Term's Curriculum please click here
We are delighted to share with you the latest RAPS art competition - introduced to the children by the Art team during an assembly this week...
In our first few days back, we have had our Personal Development week...
Unfortunately, the school printer is not working, so I have been unable to print the new spellings or Homework task. As such, I have attached electronic copies to this blog post, and will endeavour to print them for Monday if needed...
We hope that you all had a lovely Christmas break - plenty of time with family, friends (and a bit too much to eat)! Now however, our focus returns to another exciting term at RAPS...
I know this term has not yet ended, however we wanted to give you advanced notice on the arts curriculum for next term - particularly which days involve coming in wearing PE kit...
During our Personal Development week, we have been learning about families and friendships...
As we were out all day in the end on Friday, we were unable to mark the Love2Learn books and hand them out with the new task, so the children were advised it would be on the blog if they wished to begin early...
As we have mentioned before, every Monday afternoon, the children have a half hour Reading for Pleasure slot to try to develop a love of reading and provide the children with set reading time in the school week...
On Friday, most of the school took a trip to Dreamland to see the musical version of Elf...
The spelling rule that we are currently exploring involves the 'sh' sound spelt with either 'ti' or 'ci'. These words should have been brought home with your child on Friday...
As part of our learning on 'Light and Power', the children have been exploring circuits in this week's topic lessons...
Hopefully you have already had text messages or emails with details of the upcoming carol concert, but if not, please read here for the important information...