Spellings 19.6.23
This week's spellings are attached.
This week's spellings are attached.
Just a reminder that this Tuesday is individual photos. Please ensure children are in school uniform and bring PE kit if they have dance/PE.
This term, out topic is 'Invaders and Settlers'. We made Saxon Brooches!
This week's spellings are attached.
This term's Come Read With Me KS2 session will be at 14.30 on Friday 7th July. Please join us to read with your child if you can.
In Design and Technology last term, Team Dannell made marble runs.
At the end of last term, Year 5 put on an amazing talent show.
This week's spellings are attached.
Welcome back! Click to read for information about this term.
Today, Y5 performed their body percussion compositions to parents and carers! Click to watch the performance.
This week's spellings are attached.
Last week, some of the KS2 children took part in a Mastermind competition.