Topic - cities, towns and villages
Published 21/06/23, by Kate Maclean
This week we have been learning about the difference between cities, towns and villages and specifically coastal towns!
To download a copy of this Term's Curriculum please click here
This week we have been learning about the difference between cities, towns and villages and specifically coastal towns!
Computing this term...
A little reward...
The children have faced a challenge in maths this week!
The children have been absolutely loving getting out in the sunshine for choosing time this week!
We had a go at artwork inspired by Andy Goldsworthy!
In Personal Development week this week, we have been learning all about our bodies and what they need.
For Art to Start in Term 6, we are heading to the copse!
We're excited to see what Term 6 has in store...
We had a fabulous day yesterday with Anna and Liz!
Monday 26th June 1pm