Maths: Multiplication
Ask us to show you how we can solve tricky multiplication questions!
To download this Term's Curriculum please click here
Ask us to show you how we can solve tricky multiplication questions!
Please find this week's spelling sheet attached below. The children will be sent home with a paper copy and will have their usual spelling test on Friday morning next week. Happy practising, Year 3!
We're going on a trip: Thursday 9th February
Please find Year 3's new spelling attached below.
Due date: Friday 27th January 2023
We have a new Art Competition! See below for information on how to enter!
Please find Team Mann's Arts Curriculum Timetable for Term 3 below:
Monday: PE and Dance (come in wearing full PE kit)
Tuesday: PE and Drama (come in wearing full PE kit)
Wednesday: Double Art
Thursday: Computing and Music
Dress up day and Art to Start invite!
Welcome back Team Mann!
We have a new core text ...
Thank you for coming to see our Christmas show! We looked and sounded amazing singing and dancing on stage! Well done, Year 3 and 4!
Everything you need to know about the Year 3 Christmas Party!