New spellings
Spelling unit 3 is again about suffixes, this time beginning with a consonant...
Spelling unit 3 is again about suffixes, this time beginning with a consonant...
We added our second piece of writing to our publishing books this week.
In our maths lessons this week, we have been exploring the properties of number, before moving on to use BODMAS...
In class, we have been looking again at suffixes...
On Tuesday, Team Williams went to visit the local library...
Please look on your MCAS for the Cross Country information!
Saturday 5th October, we hope to see you there!
Mrs Piper
During our English lessons, Year 6 have been researching about the man Thomas Barnardo and his charity Barnardo's...
Having completed the first spelling suit on suffixes, the spelling words from this week are again from the statutory list...
To introduce our Topic for the term, we always do an Art 2 Start.
This week we began to read and discuss our book for this term - Street Child by Berlie Doherty.
Some of Year 6 are taking part in a singing project.
Yesterday was the Open Classes meeting for parents to talk through and share key information for the term and year ahead...