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Welcome back Team Beraet

Hopefully the children had a restful half-term break and are ready to begin back, as we enter the second half of the academic year...

Due to the upcoming RAPS showcase, the Arts curriculum timetable has not changed this term, as this will give the arts subject teachers more time to rehearse and refine the performances with each class. Therefore, the children will need their PE kits on the same days as in Term 3. In case you have forgotten, the timetable is as follows...

Monday - PE and Drama

Tuesday - Double Art

Wednesday - Music and DT

Thursday - Dance and Musical Theatre

Friday - PE in the afternoon with class teacher.


Also, advanced warning, we will be taking the year 6 classes to the library again on the first Thursday back (Thursday 27th February). If your child has a library book they wish to return, or would like to borrow a book, please ensure they have the book and/or their card with them on this day.