This week we spent some time publishing our historical narratives.
Welcome to Team Williams. Please see a message from Mr Williams your class teacher.
We will open a Padlet page on the Tuesday 1st September for children to share any holiday activities or ask any questions of their new teacher.
To download a copy of this Term's curriculum please click HERE
Click HERE to access a folder containing Home Learning items for Y6!
This week we spent some time publishing our historical narratives.
In maths this week, we were re-capping on division, and introducing new methods for long division.
A reminder that homework was set yesterday and will be due in next Friday, along with this week's spellings...
For our topic 'People of the Past', we have been focusing on the changing face of the criminal justice system...
Using our core text and its Victorian era setting, we have written our own story this week, using one of the peripheral characters from Street Child as our central figure...
In maths this week, we were re-capping on multiplication, in particular, using formal written here.
This week, we began our new topic 'People of the Past: Heroes and Villains'. This unit will look at the Victorians, the changing state of crime and punishment and the engineering of Isambard Kingdom Brunel. Yesterday, we kicked off the new topic with our regular art to start concept...
Every week we will be sending a small amount of work home to be completed by the children.
Please enter anA welcome to parents
I am sure there are lots of mixed emotions as we finally return to 'normal' and you guys embark on your journey into year 6. Here are a few key pieces of information for you ahead of the return....