Oracy week

Oracy week has been great so far. We have had two workshops, one from Naomi where we wrote and sang songs and did a lot of talking whilst moving our bodies and one from Mr. Gibbons based around oral storytelling, we listened to lots of traditional African stories and wrote our own stories which we told orally. We have also done show and tell every day. This has been a great chance for the children to talk about their lives, and for their piers to formulate and ask questions about the items which have been brought in. Topic has been based around racy oo, we have had discussions about the planet and space and shared our previous knowledge about the topic. The children knew an amazing amount, that the Earth spins, but we don't notice, that the moon reflects light and that there is gravity! We will carry on our Topic racy and show and tell every day. Please bring in an item for show and tell if you haven't already. We would like to talk about one item from each child during the week.