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Starting Year 1....

Where are your new classrooms?

From Wednesday 19th July you will be in Year 1! This is a really exciting time for lots of us, but we know some of you may be feeling a little worried and that's ok. 

Your year 1 team are so looking forward to seeing you and getting to know you. They have lots of exciting things planned for your first three days in year 1. 

You will be dropped off at your new classroom on the morning of Wednesday 19th July at the normal school time of 8.15. See the little video below which will show you where to go (Mrs Piper was busy getting things ready for your arrival, so she doesn't feature in the video, but she is super excited to see you all!).

The year 1 classrooms have a much smaller cloakroom area. Therefore, we will ask you to drop off at the classroom doors to allow a smooth transition in for the children. There will be table activities for the children to choose from just like they have in reception. 

Any further questions or queries please do not hesitate to speak to one of us!