Welcome to Reception
Your first day at school
It is finally your first day of Reception at RAPS, we hope that you have all had an amazing summer, and you are looking forward to joining us. We are really looking forward to seeing you all again. We will be continuing home visits on Monday and Tuesday and starting at school on Wednesday for either your morning or afternoon session. During home visits we have asked if you can bring a photo of your family in to go into your 'special space' this is what those spaces look like (See attached photo) You can also email this to me if you would prefer on louise.tranham@ramsgateartsprimaryschool.co.uk (Email address has not been changed yet). Please could this be brought in with you on Wednesday 6th September so that we can set it up for your amazing work. Can you also remember to have your name in all of your belongings so that nothing gets lost :)
See you Wednesday- The Reception Team :)