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Welcome back

2024 starts now!

Welcome back Team Cole, we have got off to a amazing start despite our timetable changing slightly. The children have all got stuck in with various activities already and they have already got 3 stars in their jar! (Ready for a treat once it is full). We get stars in our jar when we work together as a team- Dreamwork makes the team work. Well done Team Cole.

A few reminders;

- Lots of children are coming in with new clothes as they have grown out of old uniforms- please make sure these are all named (including socks and shoes!). We have so many jumpers/cardigans going missing and no names are put in them. We would like to give them back to the right children.

-PE day is on a Thursday still.

- Every Wednesday is parent reading, please come in for 14:40 to read with your children. 

- If you haven't brought in a photo for your child special space, please do this or email me the photo and I can print them off,