Musical Showcase Info

With only a few weeks to go, please read for more info.
RAPS Musical Showcase at the Granville- Tuesday 26th March
Dear parents/carers,
As you know, all KS2 children are taking part in the RAPS musical showcase at the Granville theatre. Children will be performing dances/musical theatre pieces they have learnt in their arts curriculum lessons as well as whole school songs. There will also be some other very special guest performances to look forward to!
Tickets are still available from the Granville website:
This is a wonderful opportunity for children to perform on a real stage at our local theatre and the RAPS team are incredibly excited to be able to offer children this fantastic experience and your support would mean a lot to us and your children.
On The Day
- We will be taking all children to the theatre after lunch via coach.
- Children will stay at the theatre until the performance finishes.
- Children need to take a packed tea with them and plenty of drink (no fizzy drinks please).
- Children will need to wear the below to school on the day:
Y3= Black/navy joggers and light green t shirt (children will be printing onto t-shirts in art)
Y4= Black leggings/trousers/shorts, a colourful t shirt (one block colour, no logos), trainers
Y5= Black/navy joggers and white t shirt (children will be printing onto t-shirts in art).
Y6= Black leggings/trousers/shorts, a colourful t shirt (one block colour, no logos), trainers
- After the show, parents will need to collect children from the stage door at the side of the theatre so staff can ensure a safe dismissal.
The children will rehearse in the afternoon and then eat their tea. The show starts at 5.30pm (doors at 4.30pm) and we estimate the show to finish by 6.45pm.
If you have any questions, please speak to Mr Budge, Miss Dannell or the office.
Kind regards,
The RAPS Team