Trip reminder
A reminder that, this coming Friday, Year 6 will be heading to Blean Woods for a Field Study trip...
A letter was sent out on the 26th April; however, here are some of the key points.
It is planned that we will be heading there in the school minibuses (we are borrowing one from Upton) and intend on leaving school at 9:30. Children will need to have a packed lunch (school packed lunches will be provided for those who wish for, or are entitled to, a school meal). As always, please ensure there are no glass bottles, no fizzy drinks and no sweets.
We will be walking through the woods as part of our topic, 'Our Precious World' and there will be a particular focus on the art of 'coppicing'. As we will be traipsing through the woods, please ensure sensible and suitable footwear. Looking at the weather this week, I would recommend waterproofs too!
The aim is to be back before the end of the school day, so collection will be at the normal time for a Friday (3pm).