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Welcome to Year 1!

It's so lovely to be moving up wtith the children. 

We've had a lovely few days together in year 1; the children already had good relationships with each other but have now been immersed in their new mixed classes and are getting on extremely well. It's been wonderful to see new friendships blossoming. 

We've spent lots of time getting to know our new surroundings, investigating new resources and exploring our new outside area. The children have really embraced the change with such a positive attitude, well done to all. The learning demands do increase in year 1 and I think the children are ready for this, we do still keep two sessions of child initiated play a day in the first couple of terms. 

I would be grateful if you would keep us in mind if you were having a summer clear out of toys and games at home, before donating to a charity shop. Budgets in school are rather ridiculously slim at the moment and we are keen to resource our new outside area as best we can. Sand/water toys, small world resources and age appropriate board games would be most welcome if you happen to have a surplus! 

I do hope you all have an enjoyable summer with lots of new memories made. In September, we will be asking or family photos ad photos of the children enjoying different activities; these will go onto a scrapbook-inspired board so I can't guarantee you'll get the photos back! Might be worth remembering over the summer to try and take a few nice photos ready to send in, thank you. 

I look forward to seeing you all in September. 

Mrs W