Daily Challenges: Wednesday 25th March
We are so impressed with all the home learning so far.
Good morning Team Spurrier,
Again, some more amazing learning from day two. Parents, you are doing a great job at teaching your children.Watch out today for the RAPS STAR learner blog post.
Here are your challenges for home learning today:
Maths: Counting beyond 20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dkPouLWCyc
Challenge: Represent numbers with marks, objects, fingers. E.g How can you show the number 5? Can you create a poster for each number to 10 and show the amount to go with it in tally form, hearts, circles, craft items stuck on etc. Please see attachments at the bottom for an example.
RWI : Here is today's sound for each group.
Miss Spurrier’s group- sh– shhh says the horse to the hissing snake
Words for spelling: shop, shut, ship
Sentence: On the ship.
Miss Taft’s group- s – snake
Words for blending: sit, sat, sun
Spelling: sat
Mrs Barnes’ group- igh- fly high
Words for spelling: high, night, flight.
Sentence: I can put the teddy up high.
Miss Merry’s group- igh- fly high
Words for spelling: high, night, fright
Sentence: It is up high.
Please record in yellow book. -Two lines of handwriting of the sound with finger spaces, three spellings with the sound in and record the sentence with a capital letter and full stop. I have attached a photo of how you may want to lay the home learning out in your yellow book.
Please see the 'learning at home file' for the handwriting patters, sounds and phrases, red words and alien words.
Topic: Fairytales: Which fairytales have we looked at so far? Today's story is The Three Little Pigs.
Challenge: Can you use a hairdryer or fan (supervised by an adult) to blow away different materials and objects. Can you predict which ones will blow away and which ones will stay? Why do you think this is? What does predict mean? e.g. do you think the feather will blow away or the pencil? why? You may also like to build your own house/den. What materials would you use and why? We woud love to see your photos of this. Also, you may want to write about how the pigs/ wolf might be feeling when they're in their houses.
Extension: Find The 3 little pigs home learning in the home learning folder. You can choose an activity to complete.
Useful link of the day: Below are some speech and language useful links and resources for parents and children. Talk is SO important!
I will be posting another blog in a moment about a NEW and EXCITING reading at home platform with personalised reading books and games for each child.
Please send any photos/videos and questions to: sophie.spurrier@ramsgateartsprimaryschool.co.uk
if you need anything, please email! I look forward to receiving some more learning today.
Happy home learning day 3!