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Monday 1.6.20

Welcome back! Please read for information about going back to school and today's work. 

I hope you all had a lovely half term and managed to make the most of the weather. As you know, Year 6 are going back to school (all being well) next Wednesday (10th June). However, for those children who are not going back, the work on the blogs will continue to be updated and will often be similar or the same as what the children in school are studying. Until the children go back, I will also continue to update the blog daily with maths, English and topic tasks. 

Here is today's work:

Maths- This week I am going to set you an activity sheet with lots of different topics to practise each day. It should all be revision. When the children go back to school, we will go back to doing normal lessons with one topic every day. 

English- Martyn Harvey competition: If you haven't already, check out the Martyn Harvey blog to see what you have to do. If you have already completed it, perhaps you could write/type it up into neat after you have edited and improved it. You could also decorate it! Remember to email your work to Miss Rees-Boughton by taking a photo of it.

Topic- This week, you are going to learn about the Titanic! Today you will learn about the ship and design a poster persuading people to buy a ticket. You must include important information such as the prices and what you get in each room, what facilities the boat has as well as pictures.