Friday 5th June 2020
Good morning!
Rapid recap: practise counting in 5s and 10s. Race your grown up to 100 and back! Can you go beyond 100?
Today we are to going to learn how to identify odd and even numbers. Start by looking at the Odd and Even numbers powerpoint.
You should have discovered that all odd numbers always have an “odd one out”. Practise with your fingers with your grown up! Ask them to give you a number between 1 and 10. Use your fingers to identify if the number is odd or even – if you can make groups of 2 with your fingers with no odd one out, the number is even. If you end up with an odd finger out your number is odd! Have a look at the sheet Odd and Even Fingers to show you more clearly...
Then have a go at the Odd and Even numbers Ladybird sheet. If you want to be an odd and even master you could also try the Odd and Even numbers Activity cards! Have fun!
Continue English Can I create a story map?
There are multiple ways to create a story map (see templates and examples attached below). The aim is to understand the characters involved, what happens to them and when and where it happens (setting). A story map helps you pick out the most important parts of a story (including the beginning, middle and end) and understand the flow or progression of the story.
Can you create a story map for We’re Going On a Bear Hunt? Story map PDF is the recommended format to use at this stage, but feel free to use one of the others if you prefer. Your child may want to write in bullet points or to describe the beginning, middle and end with longer sentences. Equally a vocabulary list may also be sufficient when accompanied by discussion.
Please write notes along with each part of the story in your map. Include interesting words that you might not have heard before, adjectives and label where they are in the story.
Take your time with this task, the next new English task will be set on Monday. If you finish and are satisfied that it is complete please follow a RWI video for sounds and spelling practice. If you are unsure which set to follow email to find out.
NEW Read Write Inc. schedule
All videos are now being released at 9:30am and will be available for 24 hours only.
Hopefully you are comfortable in your knowledge of which Set of sounds (Set 1, 2, or 3) your child should be practising. If you are unsure, please email to ask and I will guide you.
Please feel free to attempt the English tasks above on occasion too.
Set 1 “t” Tower (down the tower across the tower.
1) tent 2) chat 3) tell
Hold a sentence
1) Sleep in a tent.
2) You can tell me when we chat.
Set 2 “oo” Poo at the Zoo
1) racoon 2) baboon 3) spoon
Hold a sentence (write this sentence and then circle the odd one out)
1) Which one is the odd one out, Baboon, spoon or racoon?
2) In the light of the moon.
Set 3 “o-e" Phone home. Visit YouTube for longer words including variations – ow/ o-e/ oa
1) explode 2) globe 3) whole
Hold a sentence
1) In topic we will look at a globe.
2) The bomb might explode.
Helpful links for parents and carers
And don't forget Miss Spurrier's speed sounds for extra practice (accessible at any time as an option)
RWI Set 1 sounds
RWI Set 2 sounds
RWI Set 3 sounds
Red words
Level 1 Red words:
Level 2 Red words:
Level 3 Red words:
Topic - continued...
Art to start!!!
This term our new topic is called Where We Are. We will be learning all about our local area and looking further afield at the rest of the world.
For the next few days I would like you to create a map of your local area. Watch the video of Miss Aitken showing you some examples of maps and an example of how you might like to start yours. Password is Year1.