Wednesday 10th June 2020
Midweek learning time!
Rapid recap: Practise your number bonds...make ten and 20 with these numbers:
1 + ____ = 10
4 + ____ = 10
7 + ____ = 10
2 + ____ = 10
5 + ____ = 20
11 + ____ = 20
7 + ____ = 20
4 + ____ = 20
Yesterday we practised our number bonds to 10 and 20. I hope we are getting good at recalling them! Today we are going to use our understanding of number bonds to 10 to solve addition problems. Look at the sheet called How to add by making 10. I have 3 blue counters and 8 orange counters. How many counters do I have altogether?
We start by making ten. It is easy to do this using a tens frame. In this example we count in the 3 blue counters first. Then because we know 3+7 = 10 we count in 7 of the orange ones and we have made 10. That leaves 1 orange one to count into the second tens frame.
We can see clearly we have made ten and one more which equals 11.
So we have 11 counters altogether.
3 + 8 = 11
Now practise adding by making 10 using the sheet Addition by making 10. You will need 2 different colour pens or pencils to colour in the tens frames. The first one has been done for you!
Remember – you must fill up the first tens frame before counting on!
Time to think: is 9 + 5 the same as 5 + 9? Why?
English Continue My Enquiry: Can I write a poem (inspired by the Bear Hunt but set in my local area).
Hopefully you’ve started to write your very own poem. Poetry, like any writing can take time, so really focus on the poetic features that you have chosen or that have naturally happened as you have begun writing. Don’t forget to reflect back at your plan for ideas.
Just a reminder of your task;
Using your poem plan I'd like you to start to write your own poem. Watch Michael Rosen’s video about how to perform a poem. It also gives you tips about what to include in your poem and how it might sound when you or someone else reads or performs it.
Take a look at the Examples of poems that I have included. There are different ways to present your poem. Choose how you would like yours to look on paper.
How many verses are you going to write?
Each verse should have a line or two in between for spacing (verse, leave a line or two, next verse).
Keep your sentences short for more impact.
Make sure if you are using rhyming words that they come at the end of every other sentence.
Take another look at these examples of poetry and the ones I have attached below
I can’t wait to read them!
Read Write Inc.
All videos are now being released at 9:30am and will be available for 24 hours only.
Hopefully you are comfortable in your knowledge of which Set of sounds (Set 1, 2, or 3) your child should be practicing. If you are unsure, please email to ask and I will guide you.
Please feel free to attempt the English tasks above on occasion too.
Set 1 “p” for Pirate
1) pet 2) pants 3) happy
Hold a sentence
1) Put pants on.
2) A puppy can be a pet.
Set 2 “or” Shut the door! (note variations of this sounds or/oor/ore)
1) horse 2) door 3) boring
Hold a sentence
1) Close the door so the horse is safe.
2) Some days can be a bit boring.
Set 3 “are" as in care and share. Variations air/are
1) share 2) aware 3) glare
Hold a sentence
1) Stay aware and take good care of yourself.
2) The sun has a bright glare that gives us heat.
Helpful links for parents and carers
And don't forget Miss Spurrier's speed sounds for extra practice (accessible at any time as an option)
RWI Set 1 sounds
RWI Set 2 sounds
RWI Set 3 sounds
Red words
Level 1 Red words:
Level 2 Red words:
Level 3 Red words:
Continue your learning about the seven continents, 5 oceans and your local area map if you haven’t finished it. We will look at the UK tomorrow and Friday.