24/04/2020: Home Learning
WAHEY! It’s Friday! Happy Friday, Team Amin!
Firstly, can I just say that this week has been an absolutely smashing week for me, and from the emails and pictures I have been sent by children and adults alike, for you too! I love looking at the pictures and messages I see in the emails and have been trying to share pictures on Padlet more to celebrate with all of Team Amin. But, this week, I have been even more blown away with how everyone (both children and parents) is getting along at home, soldiering on in these unusual times and staying in touch in some form. It really is a privilege to be a part of such a strong learning group so... well done and thank you, Team Amin!
PARENTS: This has been a common theme email over the past few days from parents so if you would like to: you can sign up to Padlet for free online with your email and have your own handle (like I am Miss Amin rather than Anonymous). This will mean you can stay updated without having to constantly type in our password and it will also mean that Team Amin do not need to keep writing their names in posts :) When you have done this, you can request access to our Padlet. If you are going to go through this process, however, please let me know via email so I know to grant you access and include the email address you signed up with too. I will only grant access if I have confirmation you are the adult requesting it for everyone's safety.
Learning for today:
PE: Joe Wicks this morning unless you are ditching it for…..
SPELLING TEST (You’re testing yourself on the words from last week!) When you are done, check out the words for this week (T5W2 in spelling section) and have a little practising session for those.
M: Start with a speedy recap of your 12x. You can do this with a dice game if you have dice, on TTRS, Hit the Button, or you could practise chanting like we do in school?
Now: let's see what you can remember from yesterday about Roman numerals. Take a look at the Powerpoints in the Home Learning section/below if you need a reminder!
NOW: Can you write the date in Roman numerals? What about your birthday date?
Want more practice? Check out the mosaic sheets in the Roman numerals folder/below. Play games online: e.g. transum.org/software/SW/Starter_of_the_day/Students/Roman_Numerals.asp
E: Listen to the story: Powerpoint attached and in the Home Learning section. I have added new reading: Fritz’s story (Part 1)
Today, we are practising dictionary skills. All of these words are part of the core text read I have read today. I would like you to look up the meanings of:
a) sentry b) commotion c) hurtling d) stark e) geology f) hydrology g) physiology h) physician i) cogs j) profound
Extension: Can you use each word in your own sentence? Get your adult to check they make sense for you! This way you can make sure you have really understood the new words' meanings and the context they are used in.
RWInc: Friday's sheet is attached below! It is question time. RWInc-ers, send pictures of what you have been getting up to!
RE: Continue with your project: You should have chosen and researched so now it’s time to present. As I said, you can present as you wish (poster, video presentation, Powerpoint, art work, diary entries, story strips, dance). Don’t forget to add in colour if you have been creating a poster/story strip). Share with friends on Padlet/email to me! I would love to see what you are getting up to, RE superstars! I already know some of you are researching ancient religion (e.g. Greek religion and their gods and goddesses), Christianity (with the 12 Apostles); Hinduism (origin stories) and much more!
Extra activities:
R: Access the GG Powerpoint and listen along to Groosham Grange’s end/ read your own book!
Help out at home: Find your adult and see how you can help make their day a little better? Can you fold some clothes? Unload the dishwasher?
Art: Finish your perfect world picture.
PE: Bingo
Have a super-duper scrumptiously happy Friday! Don’t forget to send me emails/pictures of yourself doing learning/upload to Padlet! I miss you all!
Miss Amin x