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30/04/2020: Home Learning

Good morning, Team Amin. What a wonderful week we are having so far! I have been so impressed with the emails/learning pictures I have seen!

Learning for today

PE: Maybe today is a Yoga day? Sometimes, we need to give ourselves calming exercises filled with stretching for our muscles. Or perhaps today is just a mix of star jumps, bunny hops and squats round the garden! 


M: Start with a speedy recap of your 9x. You can do this with a dice game if you have dice, Hit the Button, or you could practise chanting like we do in school?

We are going to be practising addition and subtraction 2 step problems again today. Remember to read the questions slowly and carefully to know which operations to use. Please find your sheet with questions attached below! You are looking at the Thursday questions today :)


E: Start with practising this week’s spelling words. Then, go into your Home Learning, Reading section and have a listen to the story so far if you haven’t caught up yet.

TASK: Today, we are going to try something different. You can either have a go at some acting and create your own role play or write a play script instead. You are re-imagining your favourite scene from the story so far.

Think to yourself: Did you enjoy when the clockwork Prince and baby Florian arrived at the palace? What about Fritz’s conversation with Karl? The arrival of Dr K? What might you act out or write for?

DRAMA: Create your own roleplay. Think carefully about pace, volume and expression. You'll have to play multiple characters or rope family into helping... (Film it and send to me/post to Padlet)

Playscript: You will need a title, scene name and number and punctuation.

For both, can you ‘show not tell’ your emotions (e.g. anger: (fists clenching), exhaustion (eyes drooping))?

RWInc-ers - you have a reading comprehension about Stan's bike today! I can't wait to hear how you are getting on.


TOPIC: Revisit learning from this week so far about rainforests. Where can you find rainforests in the world? What is the difference between weather and climate? How many types of rainforests are there? Today, we are exploring the layers of the rainforest.

Take a look at:

Check out the PP attached below: have a crack at the 2 star or 3 star learning sheet about the layers. For a final activity, you could ask your adult to test you using the action cards provided they are not busy on the layers!

Done? A little bit of fun information about a sloth thanks to a favourite wildlife broadcaster:


Extra activities:

French: Practise your French:

R: Access the GG Powerpoint and listen along to Groosham/Rainforest Calling and/or read a chapter of a book of your choice.

Spelling: Practise this week’s spelling in time to test yourself this Friday!

Help around the house?: Today, I want you to clean your room, water any plants and show your appreciation for your family (a hug works wonders)!


Have a great Thursday! Happy learning! Don’t forget to send me emails/pictures/upload to Padlet!

Miss Amin x