Welcome back

I am sure there are lots of mixed emotions as we finally return to 'normal' and you guys embark on your journey into year 6. Here are a few key pieces of information for you ahead of the return....
First of all an update about me. I was fortunate enough to have a wonderful family holiday in Croatia this summer. Unfortunately while we were there, the country was removed from the safe travel list which means that I am currently in quarantine. What this means for you is that the whole of year 6 will be with the wonderful Mr Beraet until Monday 14th September. It is very frustrating that we all can’t start the year together but Team Williams will be firing on all cylinders very soon and I for one can’t wait.
The first couple of days back at the end of this week will be about settling back into routines and school life. We will talk to the class about what has changed and what is still the same, as well as going back over school rules and expectations - as we would at the beginning of any academic year. We are fully understanding that for some of the children, this may be their first steps back into school since March!
Normally at the start of the year, we have a parents open class session where we outline the routines and expectations to parents and carers through a PowerPoint presentation. Obviously with the current restrictions, this is not possible, so we will post the PowerPoint (with voice-over) onto the blog by the end of Friday. This may well answer any questions that you may have, or indeed prompt questions that you may wish to ask. As parents are not allowed into the school building, please feel free to grab me at the end of the day or communicate through the office.
For this week (Thursday and Friday) there is NO arts curriculum, so please collect your child at 3pm on both of these days. The arts curriculum (and the 4:15 pick up) will begin next Monday.
At the start of the day, the year 6 children will walk around the back of the school, enter through the door nearest to Small Haven School and come up the stairwell next to the year 6 classroom.
I am looking forward to seeing you all on the 14th.