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Monday 11th May 2020

Good morning Team Smart!  

Hello everyone! I hope you had a great bank holiday weekend!  
Welcome to another marvellous Monday – remember - you are awesome!  

This week we’ll continue to practise spelling your high frequency words. Some of these are tricky and we can’t always Fred them so get to know how they are spelt really well! Here’s your next set…! 


Rapid recap – let’s remember our fractions learning! Help me fill in the blanks: 


To make halves we divide something into  ___________ equal parts or groups.  

To make quarters we divide something into ___________ equal parts or groups  

Today we are learning to make turns! 

Knowing our fractions will help us understand how to make fraction turns!  

Have a look at the Describing turns powerpoint and use your learning about fractions to identify quarter, half, three quarter and a full turn. 

Then I’d like you to practise with your grown-ups making quarter, half, three quarter (tricky!) and full turns! Practise making these turns left and then right. Be careful! Don’t get confused (or dizzy!!) Can you take pictures of yourself making turns?!  

Then complete the Describing turns sheet. Challenge yourself with the Reasoning sheet if you want to!  


Mrs Smart’s group  

We have been working hard thinking about how to describe the setting in Bog Baby! We know that Chrissy and her sister wanted to try and create a perfect habitat (where something lives) for the Bog Baby at home. But they didn’t provide all the right things for the Bog Baby and he became sick. Wild animals cannot be kept as a pet for this reason (it would be very hard to create the right habitat for a tiger or a hippo!) and they survive best in the wild.  

But some creatures can be kept as pets if we create the right living conditions for it. We have learnt a lot about how to keep a pet in our topic lessons recently. Today I would like you to think in a bit more detail about how to create the right habitat for a pet. 

I’d like you find out about how to create a habitat for a pet you might keep in a tank or container such as snail, lizard, snake (or your own idea!). We have already thought about this for our topic learning! But we now need to explore all the things we need to make the habitat right for our pet. Before you create a habitat for a pet it's important to ask lots of questions about how to provide the best living conditions for your pet and what it needs. It's also important to consider how big it will grow! Have a look at the habitat ideas sheet attached and think about the questions. You may have more questions and you can start to make list of things your pet will need and how you are going to create the right habitat.

Think carefully about the type of habitat you need and write your ideas down in your book as you are going to have a go at making it this week! 


Read, Write, Inc.


Read Write Inc and Ruth Miskin Training are providing daily videos. Follow them on YouTube or look below.   

PLEASE NOTE that these specific daily YouTube videos only last 24 hours. If you miss one, just look below to catch up. We will continue to post the daily sounds, spellings and sentences. Visit    

Miss Aitken’s group (Set 3) - 10.30am   

Focus Speed sound is:   

‘ur’ as in “Nurse with a purse”  (watch out! ‘ur’ sounds like ‘er’ better letter and ‘ir’ whirl and twirl!) 

Follow the spellings on YouTube (link above, see timings) or complete the ones below:   

Spellings (don’t forget your dots and dashes):   

1) turtle    2) burger    3) Thursday   

Write these sentences using the focus sounds   

1) I’ll have a cheese burger please. 

2) Turtles are reptiles because they have  scales. 


Mrs Fetherston’s group (set 3) - 10.30am    

Focus Speed sound is:   

‘ur’ as in “Nurse with a purse”  (watch out! ‘ur’ sounds like ‘er’ better letter and ‘ir’ whirl and twirl!) 

Follow the spellings on YouTube (link above, see timings) or complete the ones below:   

Spellings (don’t forget your dots and dashes):   

1) turtle    2) burger    3) Thursday   

Write these sentences using the focus sounds   

1) I’ll have a cheese burger please. 

2) Turtles are reptiles because they have scales not fur. 


 Mrs Smith’s group (set 3) 10.30am    

 Focus Speed sound is:   

‘ur’ as in “Nurse with a purse”  (watch out! ‘ur’ sounds like ‘er’ better letter and ‘ir’ whirl and twirl!) 

Follow the spellings on YouTube (link above, see timings) or complete the ones below:   

Spellings (don’t forget your dots and dashes):   

1) turtle    2) burger    3) Thursday   

Write these sentences using the focus sounds   

1) I’ll have a cheese burger with ketchup and chips, please. 

2) Turtles are reptiles because they have scales not fur. 


Miss Tranham’s group (set 2) – 10am   

Focus Speed sound is:   

‘’ay”  as in “May I play?” 

Follow the spellings on YouTube (link above, see timings) or complete the ones below:   

Spellings (don’t forget your dots and dashes):   

1) today  2) away   3) stray 

Write these sentences using the focus sounds   

1) A stray dog can be lost. 

2) What can I do today? 

Helpful links for parents and carers 


We have been learning a lot about plants and the names of the parts of a plant. Today we are going to use our learning to create a craft plant! I would like you to create a plant out of junk or craft materials and add labels for the parts. Look at the craft plant jpg for some ideas. Have fun! I can’t wait to see the photos of your plants!