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Tuesday 9th June 2020

Welcome to Tuesday!


Rapid recap:  Counting in 2s. How fast can you go? Can you go backwards too? 

Today we are learning our number bonds to 10. It is essential we know these off by heart as it will help us with other calculations and especially adding! Let’s start by singing along to the number bond song we know: 

Now open the Number bonds to 10 powerpoint and follow how you can apply your number bonds in different ways. Then see if you can complete the questions on the sheet called Year 1 Number bonds to 10 VF. 

Note: There are 3 levels of difficulty – D, E and GD. The easiest is D and the hardest is GD! 


English   Can I write a poem based in my local area? 

Using your poem plan I'd like you to start to write your own poem. Watch Michael Rosen’s video about how to perform a poem. It also gives you tips about what to include in your poem and how it might sound when you or someone else reads or performs it. 

Take a look at the Examples of poems that I have included. There are different ways to present your poem. Choose how you would like yours to look on paper.  

  • How many verses are you going to write?  

  • Each verse should have a line or two in between for spacing (verse, leave a line or two, next verse).  

  • Keep your sentences short for more impact.  

  • Make sure if you are using rhyming words that they come at the end of every other sentence. 

Take another look at these examples of poetry and the ones I have attached below 

I can’t wait to read them! 


Read Write Inc. 

All videos are now being released at 9:30am and will be available for 24 hours only. 

 Hopefully you are comfortable in your knowledge of which Set of sounds (Set 1, 2, or 3) your child should be practicing. If you are unsure, please email to ask and I will guide you.  

Please feel free to attempt the English tasks above on occasion too.  


Set 1 “n” as in down Noddy and over his net. 


1) neck  2) pan  3) ninja 

Hold a sentence 
1) Jump like a ninja. 
2) Pots and pans. 


Set 2 “ar” as in Start the car. 


1) scarf  2) yard  3) marbles 

Hold a sentence  

1) Put a scarf around your neck if you are cold. 

2) We know about marbles in Victorian times.  


Set 3 “aw" as in Yawn at dawn. Visit YouTube for longer words including variations – or/aw 
1) seesaw  2) squawk  3) awkward 
Hold a sentence 
1) When I go to the playground I like to go on the seesaw. 

3) Feeling nervous can be awkward. 


Helpful links for parents and carers   

And don't forget Miss Spurrier's speed sounds for extra practice (accessible at any time as an option)  

RWI Set 1 sounds   

RWI Set 2 sounds   

RWI Set 3 sounds  

Red words  

Level 1 Red words:  

Level 2 Red words:   

Level 3 Red words:  


Topic  I know the oceans of the world. 

To recap, can you name the 7 continents of the world? 

As I mentioned yesterday in the video our planet/world/earth is covered in over 70% water. These are the oceans, lakes, seas and rivers of the world.  

The oceans of the world are called the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern and Arctic oceans. Here is a song that might help you remember. 

Take a look at the Oceans of the world PowerPoint and see if you can identify the oceans from the clues. 

Finally, you can add to the map you used for the continents yesterday or use the blank one I have attached for today.