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Seasons of the Year

Here we go woahhhh, seasons of the year! (It's a catchy song).

This week in Team Spurrier we have been learning about the four seasons and the characteristics of each season. We have created some lovely changes in the tree throughout the year art, spoken about different clothes we might wear throughout the year and why, sorted different pictures into the correct season and we understand that there are four seasons in the year and we are currently in Autumn. We now know that this is when the leaves start to change colour and fall off the trees, days get shorter and colder and animals start to begin the hibernation process. We also know that some of us celebrate Bonfire night and Halloween during this time. We have also explored a piece of music by Vivaldi called 'The four seasons' and we listened so carefully to the differences in the music in the different seasons. We discussed what the music may represent such as the wind blowing or the birds singing and we have even had a go at making our own season music with our voices, body parts and instruments. We are very much looking forward to our trip to the COPS nature area on Thursday afternoon. Please ensure your child has clothes that are waterproof and that keep them warm.