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Thursday's English - 14/5/20

Find attached the third and fourth parts of the poetry sessions from the poet Martyn Harvey...

Here is Part 3 of the Martyn Harvey videos: The Wurm!

And here is part 4:

Once you have watched them, you could try one of these tasks:

  • Have a mini-bug hunt in your garden. Could you do a tally chart and produce a bar chart afterwards?
  • Create an animation about a bug or beast - just like the giant worm in clip 3.
  • Recreate Mr McAuley's drawings of a worm and a slug.
  • Do your own drawings (real life or caricature) of the bugs you find in your garden.
  • Describe a bug using alliteration, as Martyn Harvey does with the slug at the start of clip 4.
  • In clip 4, Martyn says, 'A picture tells a story' - take his picture in the potting shed with the farmer and 3 slugs and write a short story to go with that scene.