Multiplying by making equal groups
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Multiplying by making equal groups
Last week we tested various materials for transparency. In a dark classroom we used torches and a variety of materials including fabric, paper, cellophane, tissue paper, faux fur, felt, leaves, feathers and card. We then designed our ideal lampshade and later made our lampshades with a partner. We established that some materials are sufficiently transparent and others are opaque. The transparent materials were best suited to make a lampshade. Ask us what these two words mean!
We were sad you couldn't join us for the lampshade making session, but we managed really well. Take a look at our lamps once they are hung up and lit.
Team Aitken have been working with Ms Vost for the past term and a half on some beautiful multi media pieces of art that will be entered in to the Rotary Club Art compitition. Details to follow.
We all came dressed as our favourite book characters!
Which materials naturally occur in the environemt and which materials are artificially made by humans?
R.E. stands for Religious Studies
"An immersive family show built with mud and powered by thoughts".
The children loved listening, participating and making during this show. There was live music, storytelling, object theatre, and philosophy for children. They were abe to vote on matters during the show which enhanced their enjoyment and investment in what was going on.
The show leaflet states "Children are natural philosophers and start to question the world around them very early on.[...] What makes a good human? This is the philosophical question we examine in 'Bonhomme' [...] using the Golem myth fore loose inspiration."
You could ask your child which name was chosen for their town or village and what they think makes a good human?
We had a great first day back at school this term, especially now that the landscaping is almost finished and we were able to play on the new climbing apparatus!
Welcome back to Term 4. Below are the details of our newest love to learn. Apologies for the delay in sending it out, for this reason Team Aitken's deadline will be Friday 13th instead of the 6th March.
This term we will be learning and exploring materials! Your task is to investigate different materials and research what they are made of, feel like and used for. You can make an information sheet to show what you have found out.
Before half term we sent home a letter informing you a meeting to let you know about the new behaviour policy. The children have outgrown the current behaviour strategies of being on the rocket and yellow and red faces as consequences, so we will be converting to the wider school behaviour points system. You will have noticed that we have also phased out the smiley cards. We would like to invite you to a presentation and Q&A about the points based behaviour policy on Friday 28th February at 2:30 in the school hall. We will explain how it works and how it will support your child’s learning behaviours in school. It also has very real and motivational rewards that we believe the children will engage with. We hope that you can attend but if you can’t further information will follow. Once we have had this meeting the children will be informed and introduced to the behaviour points.
For our new topic 'Materials Everywhere' the children will be creating a collage or ‘photomontage’ in the Dadaist style, inspired by the artist Hannah Höch (see above).
For this we would like the children to have access to the following resources:
If you have and can spare any of these things please bring them in for Friday 28th February, in the morning.
Every day we have a 20 minute Spelling Punctuation and Grammar lesson before RWI/English. Today we revised the prefix 'un' and how it changes the meaning of some words. We decided that today was a bit of an 'opposite' day since in maths we were learning about the inverse and in SPaG the prefix 'un' makes the the opposite meaning for some words. For example cover -> uncover. Ask us what we have learnt in SPaG each day. Sometimes we practice our capital letters or how to write numbers as words, but every day is different and it would help us to embed our learning if we could explain it to you!