Spellings and other expectations

Every week we will be sending a small amount of work home to be completed by the children.
Here is a breakdown of what we expect from them each week.
Spellings - Children will be set 12 spellings to learn every week. All children will be given a paper copy of their spellings as well as a downloadable copy attached to this blog
Completed sheets should be handed in on Friday before a test the same day. As always, they will also have time to practise at school too.
Times tables - For times tables, we are practising our 3s, 4s and 8s to begin with so please encourage your child to recap and practise these as much as possible this week. Again, a quick test (and attempt to get their times tables badge!) will be on Friday mornings.
Reading - All children have now been given a reading record and a banded reading book. Please do write in their reading record and send this in on Monday morning (they should read at least 3 times a week). If the book is too easy/too hard, please do not hesitate to write this down in the record for us.
Reading Comprehension - Starting next week we will be sending a short reading comprehension home with your children. This is to aid and develop their understanding and is an invaluable skill essential to success in year 6.
If you have any questions about any of the above, please don't hesitate to ask and I look forward to your continued support with their home learning.