We're off on a trip!

All children to be in school for 8.15am!
Just a friendly reminder that Team Amin are going on their first (and only) school trip on Monday! We are very excited to get out and explore a local river (and to get out of our classroom) finally!
The trip takes place during the school day, but we will be leaving school at 8.30am to catch our train to get to Canterbury on time so please can all children arrive at 8.15am. This will give them a chance to settle and go to the bathroom if they wish. We will travel there and back by foot and train so a good pair of shoes is needed (trainers recommended)! All children must wear full uniform.
I have spoken to Team Amin about bringing only what they need so they have less to carry - lunch, a drink, good shoes and either a rain coat or sun hat dependent on weather. It looks like we may have rain, but it will be warm so that is a positive!
Thank you as always for ensuring slips/payments/online permission was given in time!