Looking after ourselves

How do we look after our body and mind?
This week we have been learning all about looking after ourselves and our bodies/ minds. We spoke about the importance of sleep and ways to get a good night sleep (i hope this has helped parents), we spoke about healthy foods and unhealthy and how important it is to have a balanced diet too. We created healthy lunch boxes and tried to have a good balance. Later in the week we looked at oral health and how to brush our teeth. We know that we should be brushing our teeth twice a day and for at least two minutes at a time. We know that we need to stop the build up of plaque by brushing in between the gaps and in circular motions on the top and bottom, front and back of our teeth. We then practised with the giant teeth and toothpaste. We know that we should turn the water off in between brushing to stop wasting it. Finally at the end of the week we learned about the importance of keeping clean to keep healthy and effective handwashing habits and when to wash them - especially in these uncertain times. We had fun learning how quickly germs are spread with "germ" glitter on our hands!