Number work!

Forming our numbers
This week we have been learning to write the numbers 0-9. Each day we have focussed on two new numbers and have practised forming them in fun ways. To help us remember how to form our numbers correctly we have learnt some catchy rhymes. Here they are so you can practise at home (remember to write in the right direction!)
0- round and round and round we go, that's the way we make a zero.
1- Down and down and down we run, that's the way we make a one.
2- around and back on the rail road track TWO TWO!
3- around the tree, around the tree, that's the way we make a three
4- down and across and down some more, that's the way we make a four.
5- down and around and a flag on high, that's the way we make a five.
6- draw a line and then a loop, the number six has a hoop.
7- across the sky and down from heaven, that's the way we make a seven.
8- make a s and do not wait, that's the way we make an eight.
9-Draw a loop and then a line, that's the way we make a nine.