Home Learning
Friday 12th June 2020
Hi Team R-B,
It is finally Friday!
PE: Have you completed any of the Viking Games Challenges yet? Don't forget to email Mrs Horrgan with any videos and photos of you doing your challenges.
Maths: Today I would like you to create a quiz all about measurement. Post it on the Padlet for your friends to use.
English: Today I would like you to publish your morals. That means writing it up in your BEST handwriting and drawing some lovely pictures to go with it.
Spelling: Here are your spelling test words for today:
1. carried
2. dried
3. multiplied
4. married
5. scurried
6. tried
7. studied
8. replied
9. fried
10. cried
Topic: Today we are going to learn that some materials are natural and some are man-made.
Yesterday we researched clothing from across the world. Do you remember the traditional dress for the Inuit. Where do you think the materials come from?
The materials used are often made from animal skins such as the caribou, seal skin.
Some clothing are made from natural materials and some are made from synthetic materials. Synthetic means man made. https://www.educationquizzes.com/ks1/science/materials-natural-and-manmade-products/ Complete the quiz above.
Have a look at these clothes in your house: rain macs, wellies, zips etc. Where do these clothes come from?
Discuss with someone at home: Debate and discuss the use of synthetic clothing and the impact on the environment. Where do the furs and skins come from? Many years ago people were overusing animal furs and skins– killing animals such as alligators, foxes, minks, ostriches, elephants etc. Discuss how this is unethical and many people protested against the use of animal skins and furs for fashion. How might we reduce the over production and use of clothing?
Recorded Task: Can you write a balanced argument explaining the use of synthetic and natural materials for clothing.
Helping at Home: Can you help today by giving your grown ups a big hug and tell them they are doing a great job!
Happy Friday!
Best wishes,
Miss R-B, Mr Brown, Mrs Fetherston and Charlie Fudge xxx