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Green Room (R)

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  • Star baker of the week

    Published 23/03/23, by Admin

    It was space week in the Bake Off tent last week. The star baker obviously went to Mr. Jones who produced a fantastic texture and crunch, this was done under trying conditions involving 30 children who needed to produce 2 cookies each, all within a strict time limit. Hopefully you enjoyed your little taste of space (that is, if the children managed to give their second cookie to an adult, unfortunately in some cases, the gravity of their black hole might have been stronger than their desire for philanthropy.)

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  • Space art afternoon

    Published 06/03/23, by Admin

    Space art afternoon was great, we made 4 amazing pieces of art across the two classes. We will put them up in the classroom soon, so have a look-out for them later this week!!


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  • Our amazing fundraising on Wednesday

    Published 02/03/23, by Admin

    Non school uniform day raised £335.9 on Wednesday and Dalia raised £726 in total. Congratulations to Dalia for such an amazing idea and to everyone who took part.

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  • Alien invasion

    Published 28/02/23, by Admin

    Bring your alien to school on the 27th of March.

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  • Oracy week

    Published 28/02/23, by Admin

    Oracy week has been great so far. We have had two workshops, one from Naomi where we wrote and sang songs and did a lot of talking whilst moving our bodies and one from Mr. Gibbons based around oral storytelling, we listened to lots of traditional African stories and wrote our own stories which we told orally. We have also done show and tell every day. This has been a great chance for the children to talk about their lives, and for their piers to formulate and ask questions about the items which have been brought in. Topic has been based around racy oo, we have had discussions about the planet and space and shared our previous knowledge about the topic. The children knew an amazing amount, that the Earth spins, but we don't notice, that the moon reflects light and that there is gravity! We will carry on our Topic racy and show and tell every day. Please bring in an item for show and tell if you haven't already. We would like to talk about one item from each child during the week.

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  • Space art afternoon

    Published 28/02/23, by Admin

    We need your help!

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  • This week

    Published 24/02/23, by Admin

    This week we had personal development week. The title of the week was 'It's good to be me' and we looked at how we are all different and that our differences make us unique! We re-read the colour monster and made our own unique colour monsters showing how are emotions, feelings and self are unique and that that makes us special! Ask your child what makes them unique.

    In maths we looked at numbers 9 and 10. First we practised making the numbers on 10 frames, then we looked more deeply into 10, learning about number bonds to 10. We filled out our number bonds in 10 frames and part part whole models. Later in the week we saw how numbers 1 - 10 are represented, first with numicon and then with dominoes. We ordered our 1-10 numicon and dominoes on a number line. Ask your child what a number bond to 10 is (they should know 5+5=10 and 6+4=10). Ask them to show you on their fingers and see if they can make any other number bonds. 

    We danced with Miss T, we snag with Miss Stevens. Green room practised singing the chocolate hymn they wrote with Mr. Jones (already double platinum in Belize) which blue room will learn soon, we started our new RWI groups which will become longer next week and we had a lot of FUN!

    Topic activities were a more intense affair and the only evidence we have is this ovely photo.

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  • Oracy week and show and tell

    Published 20/02/23, by Admin

    During oracy week we will be doing show and tell every day. It would be great for your child to bring in an item for show and tell, and we will talk about it at some point during the week. The item should not be a toy, but instead something special the child has created or experienced, like a drawing they have made or a souvenir from a special trip.   

    During the week we will start our new topic and focus on oracy during our first lessons about space. We will have debates and discussion about the topic, we will be continuing our oral story telling on mondays, Wednesday and Fridays, and continuing our talk boost sessions on Tuesday and Thursday where we talk about ourselves or different topics. Alongside this will be our daily show and tell and plenty more opportunities for talk during the day.

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  • Welcome back

    Published 20/02/23, by Admin

    Welcome back. We hope you had a lovely break. It was lovely having all the children back today, we had our photos taken, we looked at numbers 9 and 10 on a 10s frame, and we spoke about diversity and why each of us are unique. Our topic this term is Space explorers which we will start next week in oracy week. Please take some Wow moment sheets and let us know of anything special your child does at home and remember to bring in your sounds book and love to learn book by the end of the week.

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  • Oracy Week

    Published 20/02/23, by Admin

    During week commencing 27th February we are running a special oracy week across the school. 

    All classes will be exploring the joys of speaking and listening and children will have the chance to take part in special workshops and events. Keep an eye on our blogs to see what we get up to!

    On Tuesday 28th, we are inviting parents along for a workshop all about oracy. This will be a great chance to hear about all we do to promote excellent talk at RAPS and to get some ideas to promote talk at home with your child. See the poster for more information about the event. The workshop is first come first served so contact the office ASAP to book your place.

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  • Lunch in the canteen

    Published 09/02/23, by Admin

    We had our first lunch in the canteen today! 

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  • Topic/Maths this week and half term ideas

    Published 09/02/23, by Admin

    Sadly, it's our second and last week of looking at Minibeasts and our final week of our All Things Great and Small Topic for this term. This week we looked at insects and spiders which we learnt were arachnids and part of the arthropods family (ask your child how many legs, body parts and eyes insects and spiders have). We made amazing webs, drew webs with chalk, made spiders, made junk model insects and did drawings of insects.

    In maths we looked at time and how to order time. We talked about our daily routine using the words, now, next and later and looked at our morning routine using the words, before, after, then. We looked at height and used the words, tall, short, taller, tallest, shorter shortest and looked at length and used the words long, short, longer, longest, shorter, shortest. We also ordered objects by their length and height. Try using these words and ordering items with your children over half-term. On our final day we will look at position again, this time using the words further, closer, nearer. We will be throwing bean bags and using the words to describe their position!

    Over half-term, if you would like to do some work outside the Love to Learn project, practice writing and recognising numerals 1-10. As a challenge try writing and recognising numerals to 20, especially 11, 12, 13, 14 (can anyone write higher than 20???). 

    In RWI we are learning new sounds all the time. It is always useful to go over the sounds we have learnt before. If you would like, practice saying these sounds with your child it is also always useful to practice writing the letter and going over their rhymes. Attached is a sound mat with all the RWI letter formation rhymes. You could also challenge your child by asking them to write some words. This week in choosing time, the children have written valentine's cards, written letters in sand and made some amazing menus for Beefio Café, writing words like salami, chicken, cake etc alongside prices. What amazing things can your child write at home?



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