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End of Year

Sorry, it’s quite a long blog with lots of reminders!

Firstly, thank you for a wonderful year. It’s been a pleasure to support such lovely children in their first year of school and I am very much looking forward to following the cohort into year one. Thanks to you as parents for your patience and support.


End of Year Party – we will be having a party tomorrow, Tuesday, Team Welvens have been asked to bring in something sweet. Please don’t worry about sending enough for every child, we will put all donations together and I already know there will be plenty!


Reading books – we are collecting in home reading books for the summer, please ensure that you child’s reading book has been handed in or there will be a £5 fine for each book lost. You still have access to the online reading portal, you can find a log in for your child in their reading record if you don’t already have this saved.

We will also be collecting Love to Learn books, these will be used again in year 1.


Transition Days – On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week the children will be in year 1 classes. They will be going into the year 1 gate from 8:15-8:30 and will need to be collected from classes at 3pm. You should already have information about this, let me know if you are unsure of anything.


Last day Friday – school will finish at 2pm.


Uniform donations – As we are coming to the end of the year it’s time for our yearly plea of old uniform/puddle suits/wellies that no longer fit your child that we could have as spares for the new reception cohort. Budgets are so tight that we really struggle if children do not have a bag of spares on their peg when they get wet/need changing