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Team Amin (Yr 2)

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  • Maths: finding the whole!

    Published 04/06/24, by Kiki Amin

    We love tricky fractions!

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  • Welcome Back to Term 6

    Published 02/06/24, by Kiki Amin

    The final term of Year 2!

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  • Viking Games

    Published 22/05/24, by Kiki Amin

    This morning, Year 2 travelled to Chilton to take part in our Viking Games! Thankfully, the weather held out for us and we worked outside in teams taking part in 10 different events including speed stacking, football (goal scoring), space hoppers, beanbag throwing and running!! It was great to meet children from a different school and to take part in activities we might not normally get to do! Well done, Year 2!

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  • Introducing...

    Published 22/05/24, by Kiki Amin

    Introducing Year 2's African Land Snail, the Great Sir Shellington 1st of the Year 2 Classrooms, Ramsgate Arts!

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  • Going outside

    Published 16/05/24, by Kiki Amin

    The benefits of the children going outside are huge.

    • improve moods.
    • reduce feelings of anxiety.
    • helping them take time out and feel more relaxed.
    • improve their physical health.
    • improve their confidence and self-esteem.
    • helps them become more active.
    • Help build relationships with other children through play.

    With the changeable warmer weather, the children will go outside as much as possible at break and lunchtimes. Please make sure that your child is prepared with the correct clothing whatever the weather.

    'There's no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing.'

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  • Viking Games 2024

    Published 16/05/24, by Kiki Amin

    On Wednesday 22nd May, Year 2 will be going to our Viking Games! 

    We will be going to Chilton on the school minibus in the morning and will be back in time for lunch at school as normal. All children should come to school in their PE kits on the day with a t-shirt in their house colour (Bussell - red, Emin - blue, Elba - yellow, Malone - Green) if possible, with comfy trainers.

    If the weather is hot, children should bring a hat and wear sun cream. If it turns out to be a chilly day, jogging bottoms and a jumper will be needed!

    All children should have a named water bottle with them. 

    A social story about the event is attached. If you have any questions, just ask! 

    Best wishes, 

    Year 2 team

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  • Spelling

    Published 15/05/24, by Rebecca Morris

    Please find attached this week's spellings. They are due back on Friday 24th May!

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  • English: Beegu

    Published 15/05/24, by Kiki Amin

    We have a new core text in Year 2... Beegu!

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  • Maths: capacity and volume

    Published 10/05/24, by Kiki Amin

    We are exploring capacity and volume in Year 2 this term and today, we were measuring in millilitres! What fun!

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  • Copse Fun!

    Published 08/05/24, by Kiki Amin

    What a fabulous field trip Year 2 embarked on yesterday with a trip to the local Copse in Newington! Here, we explored plants that grow in our local area, such as Spanish bluebells, wild garlic, Lords and Ladies, ivy, brambles, sycamores, hawthorns and cherry blossom! Using a picture key, we went on a hunt to identify and name different wild plants, trees and flowers and even spotted some living creatures like butterflies, caterpillars and bees! Year 2 love Forest School!

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  • Spellings!

    Published 08/05/24, by Rebecca Morris

    Please find attached this weeks spelling. The sheet will go home Friday 10th May and are due back the following week (17.05.2024). 

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  • My Happy Mind

    Published 07/05/24, by Kiki Amin

    My Happy Mind is an NHS backed, evidence- based organisation offering Wellbeing and Mental Health advice for parents and carers, to help them support their children. 

    Use the link below to access free podcasts about Resilience, Separation Anxiety, Establishing Boundaries and Facing Difficult Times. 

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