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Welcome back!

Welcome back to another year at RAPS and to Year 2! Please see below for information about the upcoming term.

We hope you have all had a lovely summer and that the children are excited for the year ahead. We certainly are! 

Miss Morris, Miss Amin, Mrs Ivan, Mrs Easton and Mr Adams can't wait to welcome back the children and get started with all the inspiring and creative learning and activities we have planned! Please keep an eye out on the blog for any updates and information. 

Wednesday: every Wednesday will be a PE day. Please can children come into school wearing their PE kit and appropriate footwear.

Meet the team: on Wednesday 6th September at 2.30pm, all Year 2 parents and carers are invited to join us in our classrooms to get to know the team and information for the year ahead. We would love to see you there. 

If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to ask.

Miss Morris and Miss Amin