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Welcome Back!

Some notes for the term ahead!

Happy New Year 2024!

We hope you had a wonderful break and we look forward to welcoming you back tomorrow, 3rd January!

Arts Curriculum for this term:


  • Please send your child in with a healthy snack for morning and afternoon breaks. If you are able to label it with a name, that would be great!
  • Children must wear their coats for breaktimes outside.
  • Reading records are to be handed in daily to be checked, regardless if the child has read or not.
  • Please label all uniform, we have a lot of lost property at the moment.

Key Dates:
(details to follow, keep an eye out for blogs and texts)

Friday 12th January - Stone Age Day / Art to Start

Friday 2nd Feb - Number Day 


Miss Maclean and Mrs Kateley :)