Please see below next weeks spellings!
Apologies for the lack of consistency spellings the last few weeks! We have had so many off timetable days, trips, theme days that it hasn't been possible to fit everything (not that the children probably minded!) But back to it for next week, same idea applies!
We ask that the children bring in their completed spelling sheets on Friday morning at the latest.
Children that do not bring in the sheet will spend part of their golden time completing it.
If you have lost your sheet, please ask for another before Friday!
Alternatively, practise on a piece of paper at home and bring that to show us! :)
It is becoming more common for children to not return the sheet, meaning that many children are missing part of their golden time practising their spellings. If there is a legitimate reason for your child to have not completed the spellings / left them at home, please email me :)
Apart from our common exception words, all our spellings this week are words ending in -ing, doubling the consonant, for prod becomes prodding.
prodding |
beginning |
spinning |
nodding |
shrugging |
dropping |
skipping |
running |
Earth |
bicycle |
medicine |
special |
Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Maclean x