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Fun Day - 10th July

See below information about Fun Day!

This Wednesday is RAPS Fun Day where every year group, as per tradition, has a water fight and some other fun activities.

If your child would like to join in, please can we ask that they also come to school dressed in clothing that is quick to dry and comfortable/safe for them to wear in a water fight - shorts, a t-shirt and sensible shoes (not flip flops, these are easy to slip in). They are going to get very wet if previous years are anything to go by! They will also need to bring a change of clothes in a waterproof bag so that they can change straight into dry clothing after their water fight, along with a towel, underwear and anything else they might need!

All children are invited to bring in their own named water pistol if they would like to as well. The school will also provide some to use. 

The children are also welcome to bring in a toy/game of their own from home to share/play with their friends. We will also be watching a film after lunch as a part of our fun day. 

Please note - arts curriculum subjects will be AS NORMAL! 

Thank you!

The Year 3 Team