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Team Cialis (Yr 4)

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  • Living Lands Trip

    Published 30/04/24, by Joshua Cialis

    On Thursday, we will be travelling to Kent County Showground for the Living Lands Trip. This is an exciting opportunity for the children to experience an agricultural show and learn more about the farming and animals in our county. 

    Children must be at school at 8:00am on Thursday as we will be leaving school as soon as possible.

    On Thursday, all children must bring:

    • All children will wear school uniform with comfortable shoes.
    • A packed lunch (no egg, no nuts)
    • A drinks bottle (no fizzy)
    • Waterproofs (it will probably rain and we are outside most of the day)
    • Sun cream (if needed)
    • Children will need to carry everything for the day and will not be able to leave things on the coach
    • Children do NOT need to bring any money to the event as there is nothing for sale.
    • If your child takes any medication (that is not already in school) this needs to be given to the office on the day of the trip so we can take it with us.

    This will be a great day and hopefully the children will learn lots too.

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  • Times Tables Practice

    Published 29/04/24, by Seb Chamberlain

    We have increased the amount of practice in preparation for the June Multiplication Tables Check and we have seen progress already, which is fantastic. Seeing the children feel more confident and less wary of the test is a great encouragement, aside from the obvious benefit this has for their maths in general. 

    Please continue to them to only practice on Multiplication Tables Check - Mathsframe, the mock version of the test. It has been key in them getting more used to the timings (six seconds per question) of the check. 

    Ten minutes a day makes a huge difference so please encourage your child to practice, practice, practice!

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  • Dates for the diary...

    Published 26/04/24, by Joshua Cialis

    Below are some important dates for your diary.

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  • Spellings

    Published 26/04/24, by Joshua Cialis
    Attached are the spellings for this week.
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  • Multiplication Tables Check

    Published 23/04/24, by Seb Chamberlain

    We are continuing our efforts to prepare the children as much as possible for their Multiplication Tables Check in June. The children only have 6 seconds per question to give their answer - not a huge amount of time to think of the answer and type it in. As such, we would like the children to only practice on Multiplication Tables Check - Mathsframe, the mock version of the test. This will best help them familiarise with the format of the test and get them used to the six seconds allocation. 

    Ten minutes a day would make a huge difference so please encourage your child to practice, practice, practice!

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  • Swimming!

    Published 17/04/24, by Joshua Cialis

    This term the children have their swimming sessions on a Thursday.

    The children will need to bring their swimming kit in a bag and wear their uniform. Children will be taken to the pool in the minibus and will have their swimming lesson before changing and returning to school in time for pickup.

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  • Crab joke competition

    Published 16/04/24, by Seb Chamberlain

    On Monday, the Crab Museum came into school to tell us all about a competition they are running to find the World's Funniest Crab Joke! We are also very excited that our KS2 JLT has been invited to judge the competition alongside Harry Hill, Phil Wang and Sally Phillips! The winner of the competition will be crowned on international crab day - Friday 26th April 2024. In the meantime, start submitting your best crab jokes via the link on their web page - Crab Joke Competition — Crab Museum.

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  • Multiplication Tables Check

    Published 15/04/24, by Seb Chamberlain

    The Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) is taking place in June. This is a statutory test that all Year 4s in England will take part in. The test will take place online and consists of 25 multiplication questions which the children will have 6 seconds per question to answer. 

    We would like the children to be as prepared as possible and the best way to do this is practice, practice, practice. At school we have been using Multiplication Tables Check - Mathsframe, which is a mock version of the test. Times Tables Rock Starsis great fun and a really good way to increase their fluency. 

    We have had some great results already, and seen direct improvement within a week when they have practised more, so please encourage them to spend a little time each day on either of the sites mentioned above. 

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  • T5 Welcome Back!

    Published 13/04/24, by Joshua Cialis

    Welcome back Team Cialis! We hope you have had a great Easter break.

    This term will be a great one! Firstly, we will start the term with our new flexible seating. This gives the children the opportunity for the children to choose the type of seating that aids their learning best. We also have a trip to Detling for the Living Lands Trip (we still need some adult helpers; please do get in touch if you are able to help).  And we have lots of great learning opportunities along the way.

    Team Cialis have swimming on Thursday. All children must therefore bring their swimming kit. We also have dance on Wednesday so bring PE kit.

    A reminder that the Multiplication Tables Check is coming up so keep practicing on Maths Frame (Multiplication Tables Check - Mathsframe).

    If you were unable to make your Parents' Evening appointment, I will be completing these on Monday 22nd. Please email if you would like to book a slot.

    We look forward to seeing you all on Monday,

    Mr Cialis & Mr Adams

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  • Musical Showcase

    Published 25/03/24, by Joshua Cialis

    A reminder that our Musical Showcase is being held at The Granville Theatre. A reminder that all Year 4 children need to wear a Black leggings/trousers/shorts, a colourful t shirt (one block colour, no logos), and  trainers. All children also need to bring a packed tea.

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  • MTC...

    Published 22/03/24, by Joshua Cialis

    As you all know, the Multiplication Tables Check is around the corner. This is a statutory test that all Year 4s in England will take part in. The test will take place online and consists of 25 multiplication questions which the children will have 6 seconds to answer each. More information about the assessment can be found in the attachment below.

    To prepare the children we have been using Multiplication Tables Check - Mathsframe. We ask that you practise as often as you can on this at home to ensure your child is ready for the test.

    In our practices at school, we have had some great results already and these could be even better with more practice.

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  • 'Wear a hat' day!

    Published 21/03/24, by Seb Chamberlain

    Please find information on 'Wear a hat' day attached.

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