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Team Cialis (Yr 4)

Page 6

  • Edward Tulane

    Published 15/01/24, by Seb Chamberlain

    We really enjoyed exploring two characters from our new text in English today. As a class, we discussed the two major events in Edward’s life and came up with some adjectives. We then hot-seated each of the characters and explored their perspectives and how they might be feeling.

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  • Times tables

    Published 15/01/24, by Seb Chamberlain

    This week Year 4 are concentrating on their 9 times tables. 

    Please encourage your children to practise them as much as possible.

    TT Rockstars: (their logins are in the front of their reading journals)

    The children are also taking part in a Year 4 Viking Academy Trust-wide competition on TTRS called Top of the Rocks. Let's get RAPS to the top of the leader board!

    Hit the Button: (also brilliant for number bonds)

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  • Fab Flip Books

    Published 12/01/24, by Joshua Cialis

    Well done to everyone who made a flip book at home and brought them in to school. I was so impressed with the creativity of these simple animations. We had bouncy balls, waving men, even a Varjak Paw animation! 

    Every student that made a flip book to show has had it displayed and they received Super Star Learner Cards. I have given a grand total of 20 Superstar Learner Cards for these Flip Books. Well done!

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  • Hinduism

    Published 12/01/24, by Joshua Cialis

    Last week, we were lucky enough to see some Hindu religious artefacts. Saanujan, from Team Cialis, brought some religious objects in from home to show the class and to tell them more about Hinduism. It was great to hear his experiences and to see some real life Hindu objects rather than pictures.

    Thanks to Saani and his family for letting us see these special objects.

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  • Times Tables

    Published 09/01/24, by Seb Chamberlain

    This week Year 4 are concentrating on their 3 times tables. 

    Please encourage your children to practise them as much as possible.

    TT Rockstars: (their logins are in the front of their reading journals)

    The children are also taking part in a Year 4 Viking Academy Trust-wide competition on TTRS called Top of the Rocks. Let's get RAPS to the top of the leader board!

    Hit the Button: (also brilliant for number bonds

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  • Flip Book Challenge

    Published 05/01/24, by Joshua Cialis

    This term in computing, we will be learning about animation. This week, the children learnt about animation before computers. We explored flipbooks and thaumatropes. 

    As a mini-challenge, I have asked the children to try and make a flipbook at home and bring it in. Each flipbook bought in will earn a superstar learner card and will be displayed in the classroom.


    For inspiration see: (172) How to MAKE A FLIPBOOK - YouTube.

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  • Reading together

    Published 04/01/24, by Seb Chamberlain

    Our next read together session will take place on Friday 26th January at 2:40pm. 

    We would love to see as many adults as possible coming to read with us!

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  • Welcome back!

    Published 02/01/24, by Seb Chamberlain

    Happy New Year! 

    I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas break! It's always a busy time of year seeing friends and family but also a time for a much-needed rest after a long autumn term.

    The spring term is always an exciting one and we have lots of exciting things planned, so please keep an eye on the class blogs!

    This term we have PE on Mondays. You will need your outdoor PE kits on Monday. Please could you also ensure that your child brings a coat every day.

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  • Christmas Celebrations!

    Published 11/12/23, by Joshua Cialis

    I'm sure you will all agree wit me that Year 4 did themselves proud today in their Christmas Performance. All the children performed so well and pushed themselves to read their line clearly and to smile and show you all the handwork they had put in. And to those children that weren't so confident to read but still helped their classmates in organisation and singing loudly! WELL DONE EVERYONE!

    This afternoon, we celebrated our performance with our party. The food was great (thanks parents!) and fun was had by all whether they wanted a calm afternoon film or a dance. 

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  • Christmas party food!

    Published 04/12/23, by Seb Chamberlain

    Our Christmas party is next Monday afternoon and we would love some food donations.

    Please send your child in with some food that is suitable for sharing, such as sausage rolls (vegetarian as well as meat); chips and dips; fruit (grapes, dried fruit etc.); biscuits; crisps and any other party food.

    Due to allergies, please do not send your child in with any NUT or EGG products.

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  • Christmas Performance

    Published 04/12/23, by Joshua Cialis

    Every child has been given their line for the Christmas performance. Please learn these at home. Also, don't forget to practise your songs too!!

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