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Team Cialis (Yr 4)

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  • Christmas at Team Cialis

    Published 01/12/23, by Joshua Cialis

    We have reached that time of year! Christmas has landed in Team Cialis!! 
    We have an advent calendar of kindness. Where each day, 2 children will choose a task that they need to complete in the day.


    The Elf has also turned up in our classroom. Wilfrid will be keeping an eye over us and reporting back to the Big Man Up North!

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  • Christmas Announcement

    Published 27/11/23, by Kate Maclean

    Please see below information about Christmas!

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  • Times Tables

    Published 24/11/23, by Joshua Cialis

    Instead of spellings this week, we are sending home a times tables sheet for children to practice with at home. In class we have found that learning the multiplication facts, help the children answer the questions better. Therefore, it would be worth encouraging your child to answer with the number sentence and the answer.

    For example:

    Adult: five fives?

    Child: five times five is twenty five.

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  • This week's Times Tables

    Published 21/11/23, by Seb Chamberlain

    This week Year 4 are concentrating on their 7 and 11 times tables. 

    Please encourage your children to practise them as much as possible.

    TT Rockstars: (their logins are in the front of their reading journals)

    The children are also taking part in a Year 4 Viking Academy Trust-wide competition on TTRS called Top of the Rocks. Let's get RAPS to the top of the leader board!

    Hit the Button: (also brilliant for number bonds)

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  • TTRS: England Rocks

    Published 20/11/23, by Joshua Cialis

    On Friday, the results of TTRS' England Rocks competition were published. Fenix, in Team Cialis, came 2nd in the whole school. This helped the school to get on to the leaderboard. Let's say WELL DONE FENIX! He took home a certificate on Friday!

    This week, the Viking Academy Trust TTRS battle will be taking place. So we need you to log on and play as much as you can to ensure that RAPS win the competition! I will be checking the scores as the battle ends and the person with the most plays at the end of the week, will win a prize!

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  • Spellings

    Published 17/11/23, by Joshua Cialis
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  • Spellings

    Published 12/11/23, by Joshua Cialis
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  • Times Tables

    Published 10/11/23, by Seb Chamberlain

    Times Tables play a huge role in your child's maths learning. Even ten minutes a day can make a big difference!

    There are some really fun ways to learn and two sites the children love are:

    TT Rockstars: (their logins are in the front of their reading journals)

    Hit the Button: (also brilliant for number bonds)

    All the times tables need to be learnt but our focus at the moment are the 3, 6 and 9 times tables.

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  • Electricity Fact Files

    Published 10/11/23, by Joshua Cialis

    This week, children in year 4 have been learning about different electrical inventions. The children have been creating fact files about either Thomas Edison's Modern Electric Lightbulb or Florence Parpart's Electric Refridgerator. Have a look at some of their work!

    I am so proud of everyone's work well done!

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  • TTRS England Rocks!

    Published 07/11/23, by Seb Chamberlain

    RAPS will be taking part in TTRS England Rocks next week. This runs from 14th-16th November (7:30am-7:30pm each day). There is a limit of 60 mins per player each day. It would be great to have as many RAPS children taking part as possible over the 3 days!

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  • Electrical Safety

    Published 06/11/23, by Joshua Cialis

    This term in Topic, Year 4 are learning about Our Electric World. On Friday, we learnt about the hazards of electricity and what we can do to stay safe in and out of our homes.

    The children came up with and performed educational adverts to demonstrate the dangers of electricity.

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