Love to Learn
This term's Love to Learn is attached and is all to do with life cycles!
Love to Learn
This term Year 5 have been studying Life Cycles in Science. The class have been incredibly engaged and have really enjoyed learning about life cycles of different animals.
Through independent work at home, pupils should research and create a project about the life cycle of a particular animal group
Possible research topics could include:
- Mammals (placental or marsupial)
- Birds
- Amphibians
- Insects (complete or incomplete metamorphosis)
- Reptiles
- Fish
The project is due Monday 20th May. Please come and see me if there are any problems or you require any resources.
It can be presented in any way you wish. Here are some ideas:
- A poster
- A PowerPoint
- A model
- A stop-motion animation
- A video of yourself (David Attenborough style!)