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Welcome back

Welcome back, all you need to know ahead of a new year at RAPS. 

Welcome back to another year! Click and read for information about the upcoming term. 

I hope you all had a lovely summer, and the children are excited for the year ahead. Mrs Aldred and I can't wait to welcome back the children and get started with all the exciting learning and fun activities we have planned! Please keep an eye on the blog for updates and information. 

The arts curriculum:

Monday: Dance + Outdoor PE

Tuesday: Art

Wednesday: Music + Drama

Thursday: Musical Theatre + Computing

Children can continue to come to school in PE kit on PE and dance days. Please ensure children have tape to cover earrings if they cannot be removed independently. 

Meet the Teacher

Fri 8th 2.30pm- You are invited to Year 5 to get to know the team and information for the year ahead. 


Your child will be given a reading level in the coming weeks which will be in the front of their reading record. Please ensure your child reads at least 4 times per week and this is recorded in their reading record. (This could be independent reading or being listened to by an adult or ideally a mixture of the two).


Spellings will be set on a Monday and should be returned on a Friday. Spelling tests will also be on Fridays. 

Times Tables

Please continue to practise times tables with your children regularly as these are an essential skill, required in many areas of maths. 

Finally, if you have any questions or queries, please don't hesitate to ask.

Mr Pressley