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Team Beraet-Williams (Yr 6)

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  • Last Two Days!

    Published 14/07/24, by Andrew Beraet

    We are just about to enter the final two days at RAPS for our year 6 cohort. Please find attached all the essential information for those last events...

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  • Beach tomorrow

    Published 10/07/24, by Andrew Beraet

    As part of our Activity Week, we are off to the beach tomorrow...

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  • Activity Week

    Published 05/07/24, by Andrew Beraet

    Next week - the last full week at RAPS for these pupils - is Year 6 Activity Week...

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  • Flour Babies

    Published 01/07/24, by Andrew Beraet

    Linking to the RSE lessons in class, the pupils have all been given a flour baby today, to care for and protect for one week...

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  • Dreamland Fun

    Published 25/06/24, by Andrew Beraet

    For the first 'big' trip of term 6 led us to Dreamland and unlimited rides...

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  • Another busy week ahead

    Published 23/06/24, by Andrew Beraet

    Please do take a moment to read this post regarding the THREE major events for the coming week...

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  • Mexican Feast

    Published 23/06/24, by Andrew Beraet

    I hope you will all agree that Friday's Mexican Feast was a success, capping off a wonderful week with so many benefits for the children...

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  • Non-uniform Friday

    Published 18/06/24, by Andrew Beraet

    Pupils have the opportunity to wear non-uniform on Friday, and an effort to support Miss Goode and the National Autistic Society...

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  • Cooking Next Week

    Published 14/06/24, by Andrew Beraet

    Next week, linking to our topic learning on Mexico, year 6 will be heading to Royal Harbour to learn how to cook...

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  • Personal Development Week

    Published 14/06/24, by Andrew Beraet

    This week has been our Personal Development Week, where we have covered Personal Development, PSHE and RE...

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  • Termly Art Competition

    Published 14/06/24, by Andrew Beraet

    This week, Mrs Smith has set the final Art Competition for the year (and the last one ever for our Year 6 pupils)...

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  • Class photo

    Published 09/06/24, by Andrew Beraet

    On Monday, class photos are being taken - the last time for our Year 6 pupils to have one with all their current classmates...

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