New Spelling words
In class, we have been looking again at suffixes...
In class, we have been looking again at suffixes...
On Thursday, we used our Publishing books for the first time this year...
Our topic this week has focussed on the changing nature of Crime and Punishment in Britain across different eras...
Having completed the first spelling suit on suffixes, the spelling words from this week are again from the statutory list...
During our English lessons, Year 6 have been researching about the man Thomas Barnardo and his charity Barnardo's...
On Tuesday, Team Beraet went to visit the local library...
Last week and next week we have been exploring suffixes in class in our Spelling unit...
For the first two weeks, the focus in our maths lessons has been on understanding number and place value...
The children really started to show what they could do in their writing this week in class...
Some of the Y6 children are taking part in a singing project.
Yesterday was the Open Classes meeting for parents to talk through and share key information for the term and year ahead...