Reading together...
The children loved everyone 'Reading together' and sharing their love of books and stories on Friday.
The children loved everyone 'Reading together' and sharing their love of books and stories on Friday.
Last Friday, 30 children across Year 4 earnt a hot chocolate for making 7 or more points progress (or getting full marks) on the MTC practice.
How many will earn a treat this week?
Just to remind you that it is the Viking Games for Year 3 and 4 on Tuesday.
Please remember:
Any questions, please ask the office!
As part of our topic, Sound, the children are going to make their own instruments from objects around the home. If you have any recycling (please clean anything before bringing it to school) or similar that could form part of an instrument, please send your child in to school with it from Monday 20th.
Thank you!
We love reading at RAPS and we would love to share this with you! Please come along and read with your child (and possibly some of their friends) on Friday 17th from 2:40pm.
We hope to see you there!
The RAPS talent show is back! Auditions are being held for Year 4 in Team Pressley & Team Dannell on Wednesday 15th May at 12 o'clock.
You can audition with any talent that you have.
You can audition in pairs or groups.
You can audition with members of another class.
Backing tracks must be appropriate for school.
I look forward to seeing your talents!
Year 4 had the best time at Kent County Showground for the Living Lands trip. The trip was a real celebration of agriculture and our local community of Kent.
The children had the opportunity to see and stroke farm animals they hadn't seen before, they tried new foods grown locally, some had the opportunity to shear a sheep, we learnt how cows are milked and we saw dancing sheep!
It truly is wonderful seeing how much more confident the children are feeling with their tables, and the pride they feel at this. Please continue to encourage them to only practice on Multiplication Tables Check - Mathsframe, the mock version of the test. It has been key in getting them more used to the timings (six seconds per question) of the check.
The tables they find tricky are the 6s, 7s, 8s, 9s and 12s.
Ten minutes a day makes a huge difference so please encourage your child to practice, practice, practice!
My Happy Mind is an NHS backed, evidence- based organisation offering Wellbeing and Mental Health advice for parents and carers, to help them support their children.
Use the link below to access free podcasts about Resilience, Separation Anxiety, Establishing Boundaries and Facing Difficult Times.
There is a chance of rain, so please make sure your child has a rain jacket and suitable footwear - the ground is likely to be very muddy!
Children must be at school at 8:00am as the coach will be leaving promptly at 8:15am. Unfortunately, if your child is not at school and on the coach by 8:15am, they will not be able to go on this school trip and will have to remain at school.
All children must:
Children do NOT need to bring any money to the event as there is nothing for sale.
If your child takes any medication (that is not already in school), this needs to be given to the office on the day of the trip, so we can take it with us.
On Thursday, we will be travelling to Kent County Showground for the Living Lands Trip. This is an exciting opportunity for the children to experience an agricultural show and learn more about the farming and animals in our county.
Children must be at school at 8:00am on Thursday as we will be leaving school as soon as possible.
On Thursday, all children must bring:
This will be a great day and hopefully the children will learn lots too.
We have increased the amount of practice in preparation for the June Multiplication Tables Check and we have seen progress already, which is fantastic. Seeing the children feel more confident and less wary of the test is a great encouragement, aside from the obvious benefit this has for their maths in general.
Please continue to them to only practice on Multiplication Tables Check - Mathsframe, the mock version of the test. It has been key in them getting more used to the timings (six seconds per question) of the check.
Ten minutes a day makes a huge difference so please encourage your child to practice, practice, practice!