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Team Chamberlain (Yr 4)

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  • Mummified tomatoes!

    Published 19/02/24, by Admin

    As part of our topic last term we mummified some tomatoes in a fair test. We made some predictions based on how what the Egyptians used to mummify their pharaohs and unwrapped our mummfied tomatoes (after three weeks) today. We were very pleased to see our predictions were correct - the salt preserved 'tomato mummy' came out as the one that had changed the least!

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  • Welcome to Term 4!

    Published 19/02/24, by Admin

    Welcome back to Term 4! We hope you had a rleaxing and enjoyable half temr.

    This term is an exciting one, with lots of activities planned for the children.

    Our PE days will be Monday (badminton) and Tuesday (Outdoor Adventurous Activities).

    In Topic, we will be studying Food for Thought. This is a really intersesting topic about the food we eat, how we digest it, and all about our teeth and the teeth of animals.

    If you have any questions about this term please do get in touch by email.

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  • Egyptian Day

    Published 09/02/24, by Admin

    Team Chamberlain had a fantastic day as Ancient Egyptians, they put in so much effort! We found a dig site at the back of the classroom, decoded a rather chilling warning about entering a temple and made some architectural tools using rope!

    Have a wonderfully relaxing half-term!

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  • Computing

    Published 06/02/24, by Admin

    Over the past few weeks, the children have been creating their own animations. They loved showcasing their work to their classmates at the end of today's lesson. 

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  • Number Day

    Published 05/02/24, by Admin

    We really enjoyed taking part in lots of number focussed activities across the school last Friday.

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  • Decoding the Rosetta Stone!

    Published 01/02/24, by Joshua Cialis

    In 1799, French soldiers found the Rosetta Stone in the Nile Delta. It was found that the Rosetta Stone contains writing in 3 languages: Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Decoptic, and Ancient Greek. Scholars used the Ancient Greek translation to decipher the Egyptian Hieroglyphs. Therefore, the Rosetta Stone allowed us to decipher hieroglyphs on other artefacts so we could learn more about Ancient Egyptian life.

    The Rosetta Stone contained some names, names were contained in cartouche. The children had the opportunity to try and decipher the names using magnifying glasses and a hieroglyphic alphabet.

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  • RAPS Musical Showcase

    Published 31/01/24, by Hannah Dannell

    Click to read about the RAPS Musical Showcase. 

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  • Ancient Egyptian Day

    Published 31/01/24, by Joshua Cialis

    On Wednesday 7th February, Year 4 will have a history day focussing on Ancient Egypt. Your children will need to come to school dressed in Ancient Egyptian costumes. Please don't spend lots of money or time on these costumes! Last year a lot of children made their costumes at home.

    During the day, the children will be learning history study skills and taking part in a historical investigation. The children will then present their finds to the class.

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  • Number Day

    Published 30/01/24, by Joshua Cialis

    Number Day is on Friday. The children will get many exciting lessons around numbers!

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  • Reading together!

    Published 24/01/24, by Admin

    Our next read together session will take place this Friday at 2:40pm - we would love to see as many adults as possible coming to read with us!


    This year World Book Day is on Thursday 7th March. We will be focussing on one text as a whole school, with many different activities. Children will be encouraged to bring in their favourite book, so please start alking to them about books they love and which one they might like to bring in!

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  • Cartouche painting!

    Published 22/01/24, by Admin

    After letting our cartouches dry thoroughly, we really enjoyed painting them to show off our hieroglyphic carvings. We used colours that would have been used at the time, painting with a mixture of brushes and toothpicks for more intricate details.

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